We had fun doing many things today!
At first, Shimono, Shun, and myself, guys in our 20s, went up to the 2nd floor Zen room and did pair programming with IchigoJam connected to a monitor.

We took a break and did about 10 minutes of yoga and everyone said it felt really good!
After that, Dojo-san, an IchigoJam pro showed up, and helped us make a simple game.
For the next break, all 4 of us did Zazen meditation for 10 minutes. I was able to calm down my mind, but one of us had trouble sitting still for that long!
After that we split into two pairs, beginners and advanced, to do our separate projects.
A bit later, the beginners then presented their IchigoJam game that they made.

For the advanced pair, we used Docker on Windows to spin up a CentOS container to make a C program using vi and gcc.

最後は30分ぐらいかけて意見交換しました。シリコンバレースタイルのPivotal LabsのRetrospectiveというなやり方で!ペアとヨガが好きだった人が多くて、同時にさるに攻撃させるのは怖い人も多くて!
At the end, we spent about half an hour exchanging our opinions using the "retrospective" style from Pivotal Labs! Many people liked pair programming and Yoga, and just as many where scared of being attacked by monkeys!
